Get developing with Reahl

This chapter explains the very basics necessary to run a Reahl application, at the hand of a simple “Hello World” example. These are things like: the layout of the source code making up an application; dealing with Python eggs in development; Reahl configuration or how to manage the database that underlies your application.

This explanation assumes that you have installed Reahl in a virtualenv, and that you have activated the virtualenv.

With Reahl, these topics are simple enough to be explained quickly, and you can do everything by hand – there’s no need to ask a script to build a skeleton application for you.

The simplest application

Our example application has a single page sporting a paragraph that says “Hello World!”. Let’s start by examining its Python source code:

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
from reahl.web.fw import UserInterface
from reahl.web.ui import HTML5Page, P

class HelloPage(HTML5Page):
    def __init__(self, view):
        super(HelloPage, self).__init__(view)
        self.body.add_child(P(view, text='Hello World!'))

class HelloUI(UserInterface):
    def assemble(self):
        self.define_view('/', title='Home', page=HelloPage.factory())

The application consists of only one UserInterface, which contains a single View, defined on its / URL. The contents of the UserInterface are defined in its .assemble() method.

To give the View itself some contents, HelloPage is derived from HTML5Page. In this case, we just add a paragraph of text (P) to the .body of the page.

Each URL a user can visit is defined by a View, and a bunch of related Views are organised into a UserInterface.

Create a Reahl component

In Reahl, everything – even your web application – is a component (and, Reahl components are Python eggs). The very first thing to do in order to create a web application is thus to create a component containing your source code, including some metadata about the new component.

To do that, create a directory (for example called hello) and add two files and one directory to it:

├── etc/          - A directory for configuration files
├──      - A Python file containing the source of the app
└── .reahlproject - Metadata about this component

The presence of the .reahlproject file in a directory alerts the reahl script (a tool used while in development) that the directory contains the source code of a Reahl component. The contents of .reahlproject is XML which, in its most basic form, merely lists the other components that this one depends on. The following example contains a list of all the Reahl components needed for a basic web application (go ahead and copy this into your .reahlproject):

<project type="egg">
  <deps purpose="run">
    <egg name="reahl-component"/>
    <egg name="reahl-web"/>
    <egg name="reahl-sqlalchemysupport"/>
    <egg name="reahl-web-declarative"/>

Prepare the component for development

Before you can do anything with a new component, you need to register it with your development environment. This is done by executing the following from within the newly created hello directory:

reahl setup -- develop -N

Programmers familiar with Python Eggs would immediately recognise that this is equivalent to what you’d do for a Python Egg with a python develop -N: the Reahl component infrastructure is really just a thin layer built upon Python eggs and Python setuptools.

When using Python Eggs, a programmer usually creates a file called in the root directory of a new Python Egg. This file contains a bit of Python code and information about the Egg. It is usually executed via Python as a command line program which can perform a number of special operations on a Python Egg.

In Reahl, has been replaced by .reahlproject and the reahl script. The actual (and more complicated) will be generated from the information in .reahlproject. That just means a less complicated file and more functionality. However, any Reahl component is still a Python Egg, and as with all Eggs, it should be prepared for use in a development environment.


The reahl setup command runs normal functionality, passing the parameters following after the “--” on to


The next step is to give some basic configuration for the application, after which you need to initialise the application database.

The configuration for a Reahl program is split into different files located in the configuration directory you created earlier. To see what configuration is missing, use the reahl-control script from within your hello directory, like this:

reahl-control listconfig --missing --files --info etc

Executing this command shows the configuration settings missing from the etc directory, and states in which file each setting should be set (and also what each setting means):

Listing config for ./etc
web.site_root    The UserInterface class to be used as the root of the web application

There’s only one missing setting. Hence, we need to add the file, and specify one setting inside it. As one may surmise from the name of the config file, Reahl config files contain Python code. Inside these files, you can use dotted notation to access or set different configuration settings. Here is what is needed in the for our example project:

from hello import HelloUI

web.site_root = HelloUI

A Reahl application has a configuration directory which may contain many configuration files because any given Reahl application consists of a number of components. Each component needs its own configuration file. The vast majority of configuration information is defaulted sensibly though, which means only a small number of configuration items (and files) are necessary for a given application.

By convention the configuration directory used for development forms part of its source code, and is called etc.

After adding this file, the total files needed so far are:

├── etc/
│   └──
└── .reahlproject

You can see info about all the configuration settings used by executing:

reahl-control listconfig --files --info etc

Or, to see the other possibilities related to listconfig, use:

reahl-control listconfig -h etc

Prepare the database

The last step necessary before the web application can be started is to create a database for it. This is necessary for any web application because the web framework itself uses a database. The default configuration settings are set up to use a SQLite database.

You need to create the database user, then the database itself and finally the database tables needed:

reahl-control createdbuser etc

reahl-control createdb etc

reahl-control createdbtables etc


When running these commands you will notice warnings logged to the console. You can safely ignore these for now. Some config values are defaulted in ways that will only work in development, but may cause problems in a production environment. These warnings are meant to alert a user of such “dangerous” default config values.

Run it

It is not necessary to install a web server in your development environment. To run your application just execute the following from the main hello directory:

reahl serve etc

You should now be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8000 and see a page which looks empty and is titled “Home”.

Check out an example

Throughout the Reahl documentation (and this tutorial) examples are provided. You can get a local copy of this example by using the reahl script:

reahl example tutorial.hello


Remember, like with any other project, you need to run reahl setup -- develop -N inside the local copy of the example before you try to run it.

You can also see what other examples are available by running:

reahl listexamples

The previous section gives a summary of all you need to do to run an example.