Preparing for installation on Windows

We explain here how to prepare a proper Python development environment for use with Reahl on Windows. When you’ve done this, you still need to install Reahl itself in a virtualenv – (but that’s a one-liner).

Python and basic development tools

On Windows, you need to install Python and a number of standard Python development tools.

Installing all of this is explained excellently on The Hitchhiker’s guide to Python.

Here is the super-short summary:

  • Download Python from the official website (version 2.7 or 3.3), and install it.

  • Ensure that your path includes both the directory where the Python executable is located as well as Python’s “Scripts” directory.

  • Install setuptools:
    • download from the setuptools project on bitbucket.
    • run (right-click, then choose “Open with > Python”)
  • Install pip:
    • download < from PyPA.
    • run (right-click, then choose “Open with > Python”)

Wheel support and virtualenv

  • Ensure you have the latest pip with wheel support

    In a command prompt window, execute:

    pip install -U wheel
  • Install virtualenv using wheels:

    In a command prompt window, execute:

    pip install -U virtualenv

The next (and last) step is to install Reahl itself in a virtualenv.