Package reahl.web.bootstrap.pagination

New in version 3.2.

Sometimes you need to display a long list of items. Displaying such a list on a single page is not a good idea, because the page will take forever to load.

This module provides a few classes you can use to build a single View that displays only one “pageful” of the list. You can then also include a PageMenu – a menu on which a user can choose to navigate to another section (or page) of the list.

' Copyright 2017, 2018 Reahl Software Services (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.

!include ../base.iuml

title Pagination

class "<b>Menu</b>" as Menu
class "<b>PageMenu</b>" as PageMenu{
note top: page number selector

class "<b>PagedPanel</b>" as PagedPanel{
note right: current page contents \nbeing displayed

class "<b>PageIndex</b>" as PageIndex{
note left of PageIndex : does all the calculations \nneeded by the \nparticipating Widgets
Widget <|--- PageMenu
Widget <|--- PagedPanel

PageMenu -right- PagedPanel : pagedPanel >
PageMenu -left- Menu : html_representation >
PageMenu -- PageIndex
PageIndex -- PagedPanel
PageIndex -right- Page
PageIndex <|-- AnnualPageIndex
PageIndex <|-- SequentialPageIndex



class reahl.web.bootstrap.pagination.PagedPanel(view, page_index, css_id)

A Div whose contents change, depending on the page selected by a user from a PageMenu. A programmer should subclass from PagedPanel, supplying an __init__ method which populates the PagedPanel with appropriate contents, based on its .current_contents.


Represented in HTML by an <div> element.

property current_contents

The list of items that should be displayed for the current page.


class reahl.web.bootstrap.pagination.PageIndex(current_page_number=1, start_page_number=1, max_page_links=5)

An object responsible for breaking a long list of items up into shorter lists for display. Each such shorter list is referred to as a page. Different ways of breaking long lists into smaller lists are provided by subclasses.

  • current_page_number – The initial page shown to users.

  • start_page_number – The first page that should be listed in the current PageMenu.

  • max_page_links – The number of pages to be shown in the current PageMenu.

abstract get_contents_for_page(page_number)

Override this method in subclasses to obtain the correct list of items for the given page_number.

abstract property total_number_of_pages

Override this @property in subclasses to state what the total number of pages is.


class reahl.web.bootstrap.pagination.SequentialPageIndex(items, items_per_page=5, current_page_number=1, start_page_number=1, max_page_links=4)

A PageIndex that breaks a list of items up into smaller lists, by cutting the original list into sections that have a maximum number of items per page.

  • items – The long list of items.

  • items_per_page – The maximum number of items to allow on a page.

  • current_page_number – (See PageIndex)

  • start_page_number – (See PageIndex)

  • max_page_links – (See PageIndex)


Override this method in subclasses to obtain the correct list of items for the given page_number.

property total_number_of_pages

Override this @property in subclasses to state what the total number of pages is.


class reahl.web.bootstrap.pagination.AnnualPageIndex(annual_item_organiser, current_page_number=1, start_page_number=1, max_page_links=4)

A PageIndex that breaks a list of items up into smaller lists, by arranging all items that have the same year on the same page.

  • annual_item_organiser – An object that implements AnnualItemOrganiserProtocol. Its methods will be called to find the relevent items, or determine what years are applicable.

  • current_page_number – (See PageIndex)

  • start_page_number – (See PageIndex)

  • max_page_links – (See PageIndex)


Override this method in subclasses to obtain the correct list of items for the given page_number.

property total_number_of_pages

Override this @property in subclasses to state what the total number of pages is.