Development environment setup

We use a bunch of tools while developing Reahl itself. Some are just useful, some enable remote pair programming, and others make sure our tests consistently run the same way.

To ensure things always work, and always work consistently, we employ Docker. The Reahl dev Docker image has all of these development tools pre-installed and configured as well as a clean venv with Reahl itself.

If you just want to develop on your own project (even if it does not use Reahl), you can still use the same tools as we do.

The Reahl dev Docker image

To use the Reahl dev Docker image, install Docker and docker-compose, then put the following docker-compose.yaml file in your development directory:

version: "3.9"

    container_name: reahl
    restart: always
    init: true
    image: iwanvosloo/reahl-dev:5.2
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "8000:8000"
      - "8383:8383"
      - .:/home/developer/reahl
      - type: bind
        source: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_docker
        target: /home/developer/.ssh/authorized_keys2

Inside the Docker dev image

Inside the Docker container, we have:

  • Projects installed that Reahl depends on;

  • A Python3 virtualenv prepared for Reahl development;

  • A version of Firefox for tests;

  • A matching version of Geckodriver to enable Selenium tests;

  • Various ways to access the GUI on the Docker container; and

  • Configuration for pip to allow local installation of what is built (useful for tox tests).

Using the container

Run the container:

touch ~/.bash_history_docker
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_docker
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -u developer -ti reahl bash -l


The first time you do this might take a while, since the image needs to be downloaded and prepared.

Run an example inside the container:

cd ~/reahl
reahl example tutorial.hello
cd hello
reahl setup develop -N
reahl createdbuser etc
reahl createdb etc
reahl createdbtables etc
reahl serve etc

On your own machine, navigate to the example at: http://localhost:8000

Ssh to the dev container

Ssh-ing into the container is needed for pair programming or to see the GUI of the browser that runs selenium tests.

To be able to ssh, put your public ssh key on your host machine into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_docker:

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_docker

Test your ssh connection to the container:

DOCKER_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' reahl)
ssh developer@$DOCKER_IP -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

Browsers and seeing stuff

The webserver ports of the Docker dev container are forwarded to your local machine. To surf to your app, start your app inside the container and point your usual browser to http://localhost:8000.

When tests are run inside the container, you may want to see the browser used for testing.

We use an Xpra display server for the Docker dev container. It allows headless operation and sharing of GUI windows for pair programming.

When you run a login shell inside the container an xpra display server is automatically started on :100.

If you are working alone, you can bypass the headless server by forwarding your local X display server by adding a -X to the ssh command:

DOCKER_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' reahl)
ssh -X developer@$DOCKER_IP -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

Editing code

There’s no IDE installed inside the Docker dev container.

Edit the source code outside the container in your development directory - the changes will be visible inside the container.

For more advanced use, such as running and debugging code in an IDE, use an IDE that is able to connect to a docker container or a ssh host. Your IDE also needs to be able to work with Python code inside a specific virtualenv on the remote host.

To find the IP address of the running container do:

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' reahl

To know which virtualenv to connect to, run:

docker container exec -u developer reahl bash -l -c 'echo $VIRTUAL_ENV'

The virtualenv is the last line output, something like: /home/developer/.venvs/python3.8

Pair programming

We often pair program remotely. Doing this requires a bit more know-how. Here’s how we do it:

Lets assume John and Jane want to work together, and decide to do so on Jane’s computer. In order to do this, Jane needs to expose her Docker dev container on the Internet and allow John to log into it. From there on, John can share various things with Jane via an ssh connection to Jane’s Docker dev container.

From a security point of view, Jane never puts her real workstation at risk of tampering by John.

Install reahl-workstation on your development machine

The reahl-workstation component of Reahl is meant to be installed separately on your own development workstation. It contains the reahl command line and a few commands that are useful for pair programming.

If you are on ubuntu install it like this:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install reahl-workstation

(The rest of this text assumes that you have reahl-workstation installed.)

Use ngrok to make a local Docker dev container accessible to remote co-workers

We use ngrok to make a local Docker dev container accessible on the Internet to all the tools we use.

Jane must have an account at ngrok, and share her Docker dev container.

In order to setup ngrok, download it–our scripts expect its executable to be in your PATH. Follow the instructions on the ngrok website to create an account and save your credentials locally.

To share a locally running Docker dev container (assuming ngrok is all set up), Jane can then run reahl ngrok start -D. This command will provide output in the form of a DNS name and port number that the remote party can use to access. Make a note of these for use later on.

Let the remote user connect securely

We do not allow login via password for security reasons 1. For John to be able to log in, his ssh public key needs to be installed into Jane’s Docker dev container. To do this, John should send his public key to Jane. John’s public key is in ~/.ssh/ on his computer.

To enable John to log in, Jane edits the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_docker file on her host and append the contents of John’s public key to whatever’s in that file already.

Now John will be allowed in. John also needs to make sure when connecting that he is connecting to the correct machine and not some impostor. When Jane logs into her Docker dev container, the various fingerprints belonging to the Docker dev container are printed out. Jane should send this to John.

John can now ssh as the user called developer to the host and port reported to Jane when she started ngrok. John will be presented with one of the fingerprints of the machine he is connecting to. This fingerprint should match one of the ones Jane sent earlier. If it matches, John can say ‘yes’ to ssh, which will now remember the fingerprint was OK, and not ask again.

Sharing a terminal with screen

Gnu screen is a program used to share a terminal between two people. It is configured for this use on the Docker dev container.

One user starts a screen session by doing (on the Docker dev container):


The other connects to the same screen session by doing (on the Docker dev container):

screen -x

Now both can see and type on the same terminal.

Sharing a browser with xpra

It is useful for both users to also see the same browser window also, for example, when debugging JavaScript issues using in-browser tools.

If Jane logs into the Docker dev container,an xpra display server is started in the Docker dev container and all GUI programs will be displayed there.

In order to see that GUI, both Jane and John need to connect to it. It is often very useful NOT to connect to it, because its not very interesting to see the tests execute. In some circumstances (such as debugging) you do however want to see what is going on.

Jane and John need to have xpra and reahl-workstation installed on their own machines for this to work.

Jane connects by running (on her own machine): reahl xpra attach -D

John connects via ngrok using the machine name and port number provided earlier, for example:

reahl xpra attach -s [email protected] -p 19837

Editing code together

There are a couple of IDEs and tools that allow collaborative editing. We know of these:


Once you expose a Docker dev container to the Internet, malicious parties will discover it and start trying user name and password combinations to try and log in. We configured the Docker dev container to disallow password access via ssh altogether to guard against such attacks. What password would we have used out-of-the-box anyway?