Reahl source code

Reahl source is hosted on github.

Reahl components

Reahl consists of several distinct components, each separately installable with pip. The Reahl github project contains the source of all of these. They are all released together and carry the same version number.

Each of our components is packaged as a distribution package.

The root directory

The root of the source tree contains the component called ‘reahl’. This component has the correct dependencies to all the versions of the other components that are designed to work together. In the source code, it contains:

  • the source code of all the other components that contain actual code
  • the metadata used to provide information about all the components
  • the current version of all components

To make our development environment manageable and reproducible, the root directory contains a Vagrantfile and a few useful scripts in the scripts/ subdirectory.

It also contains a debian/ directory from which we derive the version numbers of projects and other metadata, such as project descriptions. This is referred to from the .reahlproject in the root.

Other components

The other components each reside in a subdirectory starting with reahl-<unique name>.

Each such directory is dealt with as if it is a project in its own right. Each component has:

The package with code is named the same as the <unique name> part of the subdirectory of its component.

The package with testing code is named the same as the one with production code, but with _dev appended.

Making sense of code

We use tests and UML designs to serve as a summary of the requirements for a component. These are all located in the _dev package of a component. In some cases there’s also an outline of such requirements which serves as table of contents.

Our table of contents is called and can be viewed using the Freeplane mind mapping tool. The structure of this outline should resemble the directory structure if the _dev package.

Each subdirectory or test_*.py file represent some topic in the table of contents. Inside each test file there are test functions. Each test function has a docstring that explains something about that topic. The test expresses that “fact” in code and provides more detail.

In fact, the docstrings of our tests are an attempt at explaining (in summarised fashion) everything a newcomer would need to know to understand the system. The code of the test itself provides an example or more detail about that fact. The table of contents give meaningful structure to this body of knowledge.

There can also be *.puml files in the _dev package. Each one of these contains a UML diagram which elucidates some topic as well. The *.puml files can be viewed graphically with any tool that supports Plantuml format.