. Copyright 2013-2016 Reahl Software Services (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
Module reahl.web.ui
Basic Widgets and related user interface elements.
Widgets for constructing a page
class reahl.web.ui.HTML5Page(view, title='$current_title', css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
A web page that may be used as the page of a web application. It ensures that everything needed by
the framework (linked CSS and JavaScript, etc) is available on such a page.
Renders as an HTML5 page with customised <head> and an empty <body>.
- Parameters:
Changed in version 4.0: Removed style= keyword
The Head HTMLElement of this page
The Body HTMLElement of this page
Returns an HTML representation of this Widget. (Not for general use, may be useful for testing.)
class reahl.web.ui.Slot(view, name)
Bases: Widget
A Slot is a placeholder area on a page into which different Views can plug different Widgets on the fly.
Using Slots, one can create a single HTML5page which can be
re-used by different Views instead of having to create
similar-looking HTML5Pages for each View in an application.
A Slot is added to an HTML5Page to represent an area that will be
populated later by a View. When a View is served up the framework
can then populate this empty area with Widgets specific to the
current View.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.RunningOnBadge(view)
Bases: A
A visual badge proclaiming that a website is “Running on Reahl”. Using it on your site
is a bit of advertising for Reahl!
Renders as an HTML <a class=”runningon”> containing an <img>
- Parameters:
view – (See reahl.web.fw.Widget
class reahl.web.ui.LiteralHTML(view, contents, transform=<function LiteralHTML.<lambda>>)
Bases: Widget
The LiteralHTML Widget renders a chunk of HTML as given in
contents. If a single-argument callable is given as transform,
contents will first be passed to that callable to possibly
change the HTML on-the-fly before rendering (the callable should
return the changed HTML to be rendered).
- Parameters:
view – (See reahl.web.fw.Widget
contents – Some literal HTML.
transform – If given, it is called passing contents to possibly transform contents before rendering.
The callable should return the final HTML to be rendered.
Returns an HTML representation of this Widget. (Not for general use, may be useful for testing.)
class reahl.web.ui.Table(view, caption_text=None, summary=None, css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
An HTML table element: data displayed on columns and rows.
- Parameters:
view – (See reahl.web.fw.Widget
caption_text – If text is given here, a caption will be added to the table containing the caption text.
summary – A textual summary of the contents of the table which is not displayed visually, but may be used by a user agent for accessibility purposes.
css_id – (See reahl.web.ui.HTMLElement
with_data(columns, items, footer_items=None)
Populate the table with the given data. Data is arranged into columns as
defined by the list of DynamicColumn
or StaticColumn
instances passed in.
- Parameters:
columns – The DynamicColumn
instances that define the contents of the table.
items – A list containing objects represented in each row of the table.
footer_items – If given a footer is added. A list containing objects represented in each footer row of the table.
Changed in version 5.0: Added footer_items.
class reahl.web.ui.DynamicColumn(make_heading_or_string, make_widget, make_footer_widget=None, sort_key=None)
Bases: object
DynamicColumn defines a logical column of a table, specifying how its heading will be
rendered, and how the cell in this column will be displayed for each data item in the
- Parameters:
make_heading_or_string – A string to be used as heading for this column, or a single-argument callable that will be called (passing the current view) in order to compute a Widget to be displayed as heading of the column.
make_widget – A callable that takes two arguments: the current view, and an item of data of the current table row. It will be called to compute a Widget to be displayed in the current column for the given data item.
make_footer_widget – A callable that takes two arguments: the current view, and an item representing a row of footer data. It will be called to compute a Widget to be displayed in the footer column representing the footer item. :keyword sort_key: If specified, this value will be passed to sort() for sortable tables.
Changed in version 5.0: Added make_footer_widget.
class reahl.web.ui.StaticColumn(field, attribute_name, footer_label=None, sort_key=None)
Bases: DynamicColumn
StaticColumn defines a column whose heading and contents are derived from the given field.
- Parameters:
field – The Field
that defines the heading for this column, and which will also be used to get the data to be displayed for each row in this column.
attribute_name – The name of the attribute to which field should be bound to on each data item when rendering this column.
footer_label – If specified, this text will be put in a footer row for each footer item in this column.
sort_key – If specified, this value will be passed to sort() for sortable tables.
Changed in version 5.0: Added footer_label.
class reahl.web.ui.Caption(view, text=None, css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
An HTML caption element.
Renders as an HTML <caption> element.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.Thead(view, css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
An HTML thead element. Contains the header of the table columns.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.Tbody(view, css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
An HTML tbody element. Contains the rows with data in the table.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.Tr(view, css_id=None)
Bases: HTMLElement
An HTML tr element represents one row of data in a table.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.Td(view, rowspan=None, colspan=None, css_id=None)
Bases: Cell
An HTML td element - a single cell of data inside a row of a table.
- Parameters:
class reahl.web.ui.Th(view, rowspan=None, colspan=None, css_id=None)
Bases: Cell
An HTML th element - a single cell heading for a column of a table.
- Parameters: